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Meet Our Providers

Our providers have many years of experience treating dermatology patients, with particular expertise in procedural dermatology.

Leonard Shvartzman

Leonard Shvartzman


Leonard Shvartzman, M.D. has been practicing in North Florida since 1998. After graduating with honors from Cornell University with a Master of Mechanical Engineering degree, he attended the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. Dr. Shvartzman then completed two years of surgical training at the LIJ Medical Center, followed by a fellowship in molecular biology at Boston University/Tufts. He subsequently pursued dermatology residency at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas, where he served as chief resident in 1997. Dr. Shvartzman completed his academic career with a Mohs Micographic/Cosmetic and Reconstructive surgery fellowship at the University of Minnesota, in Minneapolis, where he was recognized for exemplary surgical skill. His multiple scientific articles appear in the dermatology literature and other specialty journals.
Since 1998, Dr. Shvartzman has performed about 125,000 surgical cases, giving him an unparalleled depth of experience. These have included excision of complex skin cancers via the Mohs technique, intricate reconstructive surgery, as well as cosmetic surgery such as injection of fillers, Botox, laser wrinkle resurfacing, tattoo removal, eye and neck lifts, sclerotherapy, liposuction, hair transplantation, and rhytidectomy. Dr. Shvartzman’s practice is one of the busiest in the country due to his meticulous attention to details and consistently surpurb surgical outcomes.
Dr. Shvartzman is a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, American College of MOHS Surgery, American Society of Dermatologic Surgeons, and the Duval County Medical Society.

Angela Armstrong

Angela Armstrong


In 2011, Angela Armstrong obtained her Doctorate Degree in Nursing from the University of North Florida. Her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (1996) and Post Baccalaureate (2003) were also obtained from the University of North Florida. She completed a Masters of Science in Nursing (2000) from University of Phoenix. She maintains certification as a Dermatology Certified Nurse Practitioner and Family Nurse Practitioner.
Angela serves as a dermatology clinical preceptor and guest lecturer of dermatology for nurse practitioner students at the University of North Florida. Membership in multiple professional associations includes the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, the Dermatology Nurse Practitioners Society of the Dermatology Nursing Association and Lambda Rho Chapter at Large Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society. She also served on the national Dermatology Certification Applicant Appeal Committee, and was the Chair of the Nurse Practitioner Certification Exam Test Development Committee (2007-2012).
Angela has over 17 years of combined experience in medical, surgical, and research dermatology. She specializes in medical and surgical dermatology with a special interest in pigmented skin lesions using dermoscopy. Her knowledge of evidence-based medicine as it relates to all skin, hair and nail disorders allows her to give comprehensive care to dermatology patients of all ages.

Kathryn Mansueti

Kathryn Mansueti


Kathryn is a NCCPA board certified and Florida Board of Medicine licensed Physician Assistant. She is originally from the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. She completed her undergraduate studies at Michigan State University (Go Green!), where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. Pursuing her passion for healthcare, she went on to obtain a Master of Physician Studies from Arcadia University in 2021.
For the past two years, Kathryn worked as a dermatology PA in Michigan, gaining valuable experience and learning the importance of prioritizing patient-centered care. She is an active member of the American Academy of Physician Assistants and the Florida Academy of Physician Assistants.
Recently, Kathryn made the move from Michigan to Jacksonville along with her husband and their dog, Donovan. In her spare time, she loves to golf and cook.

Kaitlyn Fagan


Kaitlyn is an NCCPA board-certified and Florida Board of Medicine licensed Physician Assistant. She grew up in Lake Charles, Louisiana, and obtained her undergraduate degree at Louisiana State University. After graduation, she moved on to LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans where she received her Master of Physician Assistant Studies in 2023.

After PA school, Kaitlyn began working as a PA in pediatric neurosurgery at Childrens Hospital in New Orleans where she spent the first year and a half of her career. Recently, she relocated to Jacksonville and joined our practice! She is excited to continue improving her surgical skills and expanding her medical knowledge within a new specialty.

Kaitlyn loves to run, cook, and play pickleball! She is looking forward to exploring a new city and spending lots of time at the beach!


Julia England


Julia is a NCCPA board certified and Florida Board of Medicine licensed Physician Assistant. She completed her undergraduate studies at Florida State University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences, then went on to obtain a Master of Physician Assistant Studies.

Before PA school, Julia was actively involved in caring for geriatric patients, including those with Parkinsons disease and dementia. These experiences reinforced her dedication to providing compassionate, patient-centered care.

Julia recently moved from Orlando to Jacksonville to join our team and is excited to begin her career in dermatology. She loves exploring the outdoors, whether hiking, boating, or traveling to new places, but at the end of the day, shes happiest snuggled up with her fur babies.

A Higher Standard of Care